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Skarure' Woccon cape fear indians
Skarure Woccon better reflect our distinction and deeply rooted ancestry, spanning from southern Virginia, all the way to northern South Carolina, and all parts in between.
Skarure' Strong & Woccon Wise
With a warm welcome from the community, and support from our affiliates,
Red Cedar Community Development Council, FANA, the House of Ancestry, and The Living Tongues Institute For Endangered Languages, the Cape Fear Indians have emerged from the shadows of dismissal and extinction stronger than ever.
Skarure' Strong and Woccon Wise, we are thriving.

Federation of Aboriginal Nations of the Americas
FANA, is a confederation of pre-colonial American Indian Tribes and Nations that are ancestral inhabitants to the lands contemporarily referred to as the Americas.

Red Cedar Regional Community Development Council
Red Cedar CDC, is an indigenous led organization, dedicated to the enrichment and overall economic development of Indigenous communities.

United House of Ancestry
The United House of Ancestry is a league of genealogists, researchers, analysts and historians dedicated to unveiling the living history of the past.

Living Tongues Institute for Endangered Languages, a leading non-profit research organization based in the US with researchers located around the globe, stands at the intersection of linguistics and community activism. They have partnered with the Skarure Woccon community of Cape Fear, NC, to help bring awareness to the Woccon language and to create the first-ever Woccon Living Dictionary based on archival materials.
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